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Saturday Morning Zazen

  • Unsui 64A Bleicherweg Zürich, ZH, 8002 Switzerland (Karte)

Claudia leads this Zazen: 2 x 30 minutes with a short Kinhin in-between. She speaks English and Portuguese. Claudia is a Student of Master Ryotan Tokuda Igarashi 良探 .

Ryotan Tokuda Sensei is a Zen monk of the Soto school. After studying with several masters, including Master Kodo Sawaki, Tokuda Sensei was sent to Brazil in the late sixties. There he founded several monasteries and meditation centers. During the last fifteen years Tokuda Sensei has divided his time between Brazil and France. In France he founded the association Maha Muni, the Zen center Maha Muni - Paris and the monastery EiTai Ji in the Alps of Haute Provence.

Frühere Events: 14. Juli
Späteres Event: 19. Juli
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