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Full Moon Ceremony & Zazen

  • Unsui Gasometerstrasse 14 8005 Zürich Switzerland (Karte)

Full Moon Ceremony or Ryaku Fusatsu is one of the oldest and most celebrated Ceremonies in all Buddhists Traditions. We renew Boddhisatvas vows and precepts.

Shunryu Suzuki said: ”To purify our mind and to keep Buddhas way, we will observe Fusatsu (eine gute Praxis fortsetzen). So to have good practice means to have good precept observation. Why it is so - is better not to think about. This is something to realize by your true practice. "

And Zazen. Zazen bedeutet sitzen in Stille, den Geist zur Ruhe kommen zu lassen, die Aufmerksamkeit ist beim Atem. Wir sitzen 1 Mal 40 Minuten.

Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.

Späteres Event: 29. Juni
ZAZENKAI mit Manfred Kokudo